Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is the best laptop computer to buy?

I am starting college in a couple months and I need to buy a new laptop computer; however, I am not sure which is the best to buy. I will need it to write reports and work on projects. I also plan to take a lot of multimedia and film studies classes that will require me to make and burn my own DVD’s so it needs to be able to do that. I currently have a sony vaio but i need a better one for college. Please help, Thanks!

I’ve always preferred Toshiba for laptops!

But you may want to look into Mac’s for multimedia. I’ve never owned one, so I cant say about those.

macbook pro with built in web cam

Dude! You’re getting a Dell!!……..that’s what I have. And it is great.

If you getting into films and movies….I’d get a Mac


Both DELL and Gateway have some pretty nice ones. You may end up needing a better model than the lower-end models, but both have good mid-priced models in the $ 700 to $ 800 US price range.


With what you need to do definately go for an Apple MacBook but get the one with DVD burner. It is what i have and they are brilliant with a fantastic screen. They may be a little more expensie but they are worth every cent. Go try one at an Apple seller.

no not one is better then others all has the same bits and piece’s.

Think about upgrading the one you have, more RAM, better graphics card, DVD burner and bigger(bigger the better, movies take a lot of space) hard drive , would work out cheaper and can be done quite easily.

Well this is kind of a loaded question…the best…go to Alienware/falcon Northwest or one of those guys that will supply you with one for a rather large sum…if you are looking for an update for the Vaio, just get a newer one…most laptops can be supplied with a DVD burner from the company that makes it, and most any reputable company will be fine.

most powerful laptop.In any and all aspects, what is the absolute best laptop computer in the world today, and why?

Just curious to hear other people’s opinions.

It is really hard to say because there is always new bits coming out so and different bits work better with different brands ect… Look up Crysis ultra high graphics HD ( you need the best gaming pc’s to play it) They are among the top pc’s like mine :D

It is very much a personal preference and largely depends on what an individual wants to use the laptop for: gaming, designing, basic purposes etc. If looking for a laptop that is of high standards and meets your specific needs, I’d recommend using Windows PC Scout: Just click the orange ‘Let’s get started’ button and you will be guided to a variety of laptop options that would be best suited for you.

Windows Canada Outreach

I’d say either the Alienware MX17x or the 17″ MacBook Pro, when the i7 update is released. Both great computers and utterly at the top of their game. And the i7 MacBook is going to be brutal…you just know it.

to″>most powerful laptop

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